Thyroid Dementia I Think Someone I Dated Cast A Death Spell On Me (serious Replies Please), I Have Some Questions?

I think someone I dated cast a death spell on me (serious replies please), I have some questions? - thyroid dementia

Ok, mainly with women from the Caribbean and Spanish before (I'm Italian). But the mother died in October 2007 my best friend from liver complications or alcohol, 9 months later to kill my best friend for her 6 months later my mother died of dementia, which developed from smoking 5 years ago or thyroid problems.

Do you see the pattern? 9 months, 6 months ..... 3 months? Something that should happen 3 months after the death of my mother. 9.6.3. Of course it is a kind of charm, my girl, I make a day. You must have placed in me, but still, I recovered and went to people he knew closely held.

Kidding aside, seriously, I mean, suppose that the spells are real. Is there some kind of spell or curse of death means that you can understand what I am describing? Something to 9.6.3?


KdS said...

I do not believe that use a variety of "Death means (you), but again some time but I think that when a spell over all who for a period of bad luck or fate will take care of destroying it - what an unfortunate example of appropriate appears.

I advise washing your house, you wash it with a wall of protection against fire and smoke daily for 13 days. I would also recommend a bath for 13 days for you - wahoo bark, an herb is good when he swam in (tea or put it in the bath in a bag with some difficulty) to remove the reference. It is common for a bucket of bath water over your head every time, and shouted: "pour Wahoo!" (an Indian word) every time.
You can also a result of the fire back and a little oil on the dress with reverse - especially if you know who has the charm.

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