Beer Goblets For All You Yahoos; Why The Clinking Of Glasses?

For all you Yahoos; Why the Clinking of Glasses? - beer goblets

Have you noticed that people at parties or restaurants toast before drinking a glass? When asked why they did, most of them could give no answer. Or you may feel that it is an act innocent friends.

However, you may be surprised to learn that it is an ancient superstitious habit. According to the American Library Association, for thousands of years people had the absurd idea that, if you could enjoy the show give the devil her body through the mouth. And who really believes that this evil spirit may be frightened by the noise. So to avoid this danger, slammed the glasses. In Europe, nor their pints of beer drinking bash or make the sign of the cross. And some native peoples, as some Africans are ringing the bells before Downing their drinks.


serving obediently said...

Today, many see no harm while stupid things, as I said "bless you" when someone sneezes. But when you become a Christian, is expected to "put on the new personality" mentioned in Ephesians 4:17-24 that, therefore, and testify that [the] God, still alive when the nations, even on foot for the futility of their minds , and 18 in the lives of grim and far are spirit belongs to God, because of the ignorance that is in them due to their hardness of heart. After the final 19 are all moral sense, which were delivered to lose to work, do all sorts of dirty desires.

20 But be not so learned Christ, 21, always, in fact, you've heard of him and inform him and the truth is in Jesus, of 22 years, the old personality that corresponds to its old course through his actions and save damaged fraudulent requests, 23 years, but it must be new to the force of the actuatingng Your Spirit, 24 and has a new personality, which is under the will of God in true righteousness and loyalty has been prepared to make, too.
God expects us only get better. If we refuse to keep the ancient customs and traditions, what can we expect?

FL Sunshine said...

I read that the clinking of glasses was in the middle ages who drink mixed with poison. They shake their glasses together and drink thrown against each other around the ring to ensure that no toxic content. Therefore, the bells a sign of confidence.

,. said...

I studied this quiet brother some time ago, and yes you are right. Not so funny how people do many things in everyday life are all of pagan origin, the need for an ongoing study and see these things for ourselves what we are doing what the Lord says: Keep: Proof that you are you, my witnesses But further studies, we see the truth as it is. Christian love:)

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