Rice Cereal In Baby Bottle Is Adding Rice Cereal To Baby's Bottle Good Or Bad?

Is adding rice cereal to baby's bottle good or bad? - rice cereal in baby bottle

I have a child for a month, has an insatiable appetite. I've heard several people to help the rice cereal in his bottle. I'm nervous because I think he is too young to eat something other than breast milk or formula. Does anyone have any suggestions?


MotherOf... said...

The doctors say. I have 3 children and I have a bit of cereal with milk. Especially at night helps them sleep. If your baby has constipation problems that do, because he accedes. You can send the shit. The up to you.

Noah's Mommy & Marine Wife said...

Not. Cereals with a spoon if the child is old enough, should be used. The recommended age for solids is 6 months. Give solid food before they can cause allergies and digestive problems because the baby is not enough to take anything other than milk to develop. Breast / formula. Add the cereal in a bottle can also pose a choking hazard.

If you feel that your baby is not enough to eat Gettig then, try an ounce or two of your diet, or adding another meal together.

Kasja said...

Most people will tell you that adding rice cereal for babies is so bad that I started it with my daughter when she was 2 months because they spit so much (too acid reflex) and my daughter to the doctor suggested that we try. You can also increase your risk of choking and allergies Uneeda you must be careful, try 1 teaspoon and see how he is with her, then you can gradually to 2 c. Tea. If you are with the idea befor uncomfortable then the first discussion of your child's doctor about.

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